
Beginning February 1st, we will no longer be accepting cash as a form of payment.

Our only acceptable payment method will be credit / debit cards.

Upcoming Live Auction & Sealed Bid Dates



January 29th - Sealed Bid

January 30th - Live Auction

February 3rd - Sealed Bid

February 6th - Live Auction

February 10th - Sealed Bid

February 13th - Sealed Bid

February 17th - Sealed Bid

February 20th - Live Auction

February 24th - Sealed Bid


Live Auction General Guidelines



  • Must be 14 years or older to enter
  • Doors open at 8:00 am CST.
  • Bidding begins at 9:00 am CST.
  • All purchases must be paid in full at the end of the auction.
  • Loading hours are until 3:00pm on auction day and from 7:00 am - 11:00 am, the day after auction.


  • Products available at auction may change or be removed at our sole discretion.


  • Certain items at auction may include a minimum bid.



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